87Arts Star Keeper NFT

Star Keeper is a NES Homebrew game released by 87Arts on the nostalgic gaming forum NintendoAge in 2014. The game caused quite a stir in the game collection world after its release, with its interesting gameplay, beautiful graphics, and catchy background music. It quickly sold out, and its high quality was unanimously recognized by players. The only regret was the limited production.Therefore, in order to make up for the loss caused by the insufficient game production, and to let more potential players know about Star Keeper, 87Arts decided to issue Authorization NFTs for Star Keeper, There are a total of 10 numbered NFTs. As long as you own one of the NFTs in this collector's set, you will have limited rights to develop, promote and sell the Star Keeper branch game (please refer to the authorization license for specific details), and all income from sales will belong to you.

Owned by DID
Total Volume
11,110,000 mojos
Items 1