Marmot #768


Mrmrmmmrrmrmrmattrmtmtrmm marmot warrior as a painting - The world was once a peaceful place, until the marmots came. #768 was the leader of this new marmot empire, and he was determined to take over the world. He began by painting himself as a warrior, and then convincing all of the other marmots to do the same. With their new paint jobs, they looked like an unstoppable force. And they were. The humans didn't stand a chance against them.Before long, #768 and his army had taken over most of the world. They were ruthless in their conquests, leaving no survivors in their wake. Humanity was on the brink of extinction...until one brave soul stood up to them. This human fighter was unlike any other, and he quickly became known as the Marmot Warrior.The Marmot Warrior fought tooth and nail against #768's army, but eventually succumbed to their numbers. As he lay dying on the battlefield, he made one final vow: that humanity would someday rise up again and defeat the marmots once and for all.

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