It was another dark and lonely night, on the streets of Mead City. A canary singing in every clip-joint. Another snitch is dropping a dime on his off-the-track boss to avoid a trip to the clubhouse. Just another night in Mead City. Me? I was in my office. I was minding my own business. I was burning the candle at both ends. Just then, this tall drink of mead darkened my door. She was a bottle. A bottle to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window. Some wise-head had left it there before he saw fit to dust out. I was thirsty. Real thirsty. So thirsty I could smell it. I could see past the Green complexion, and Bottlecap it was wearing, this Viru had a Spectrum backround. I read the label. I could see this Capsicumel had been around the block. I read a little further. It said it had an alcohol content of 15.63%. Not bad for a looker. I opened it to tip a few. I've put down a few in my day, enough to be out on the roof, but this was somethin' else. It smelled like Spicy, Honey, and it tasted like Spicy, Honey. The hombre that left this bottle must have been hitting on all eight. It was a clean sneak. There was more to this caper than I’d bargained for.
Bottle Type
Bottle Color
Bottle Top
['Spicy', 'Honey']
['Spicy', 'Honey']
ABV (%x100)
1562 of 1587
Age (in months)
5 of 1
550847512580 of 2267814168576